Sunday, November 27, 2005

Necessity is the mother of all invention!

It seems like people don't want to think and make relevant choices to their own lifes. When it comes to knowledge we are always looking for a fast food chain, a quick fix. When we need to make choices on where to go, we choose to stay afloat by treading water instead of swimming to shore. When we want to be part of something, we think we get there by fitting in. We want to belong so much, that we strife to become one while our strength lies in our diversity. Work, money, ambition, we bury ourselves in it without wondering why. It’s like a rubber band, we are being drawn between what we want to do and what we have to do. The only thing that will guide us is a personal strategy of what we want, what we have to do and how far we are willing to go to reach our goals!

The essence of strategy is focus! While we are not without focus, the problem is that most of us do not realize what we are focusing on. It has become a subconscious thing because we lack a conscious strategy. In times of prosperity, this kind of behavior is a societal benefit. Since we are not working on a conscious strategy and just want to belong and fit in, there is very little conflict. The resulting stability is what is needed in times of growth. The phrase never touch a working system applies! In times of adversity, this starts to work against us. To improve the situation, we need to come up with a conscious strategy and make hard choices. Choices based on the vision of a better future. The never touch . . saying does not apply anymore. The problem is; the fact that the system is not working anymore is not registered and acted upon. Worse, we cling to our ‘working system’ in fear. Just pretend nothing is wrong. No strategy, no focus.

Reality drives all events! We can cling to non-working systems all we want, it won’t give us anything but a false sense of security. An illusion that will be shattered when reality finally hits us in the face. Talking about illusions; most CEO’s and government officials are in office, but not in power. They are not in the game, they are not playing and learning new stuff in the game and still they pretend to know the game based on ten year old experience. It’s called being over the hill! They are just using the carrot and the stick. Putting the fear in us for the unknown without explaining, or promising us riches without providing a basis. It’s a sign of our times.

Luckily for us, necessity is the mother of all invention. There are always people who see their own needs and those of others and they will come up with strategies and visions to improve our lives. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a platform (business, process and technology) for people to work together, to prosper and create value together? I think so!

Because that’s what it means to be part of something! It is not just fitting in, it means contributing to something that has meaning, to add value and to be valuable! Maybe then we will not be afraid to grow (old), because our life won’t lack meaning!

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