Monday, July 04, 2005

Follow up on starting networks

How do we provide purpose and direction to a network? How do we create a context where people want to work together and learn together? We need a shared vision, a shared identity and themes around which we build our community and act consistently to the outside world.

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Then why are so many networks failing? I have stated before that most are chaotic and lack focus. It’s mostly about having the most contacts, a game that will be won and then it’s over. We need more. We need context to put our relations and purpose into perspective.

As stated, we need a shared vision, a vision that is not necessarily obvious at the start, but will gain transparency and momentum while building on ideas. This is also the basis for creating an identity as a group, we identify with the vision and involve people based on common purpose, common ground and experience. Within our network, we focus our efforts based on themes we identify with as sub groups. A theme provides the basis for subjects, objects, or a combination of both to keep our eyes on the ball and work as a team. Another advantage is that groups or individuals outside our first tier network identify with our network based on such a theme. This makes it interesting for companies to create communities of customers and interact with them to improve their offerings.

To summarize, we need to connect through common purpose, base our identity on common ground and act in a shared context based on common objects and or subjects.

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