There is something that has been bugging me for a long time. Why do people think they can spare someone’s feelings by denying them? I have been in several situations where people were in serious emotional distress and everybody left the room, literally or metaphorically. It is especially clear when someone has been diagnosed with a life threatening disease, everybody asks how the patient is feeling, but very few really want to know. When the real emotions are on the table, most people try to immediately change the subject. When asked why, it is invariably to spare the emotions of the patient, their friend. WHAT??? Are they so afraid of death that they can’t handle the emotions involved in dying or in less serious cases failing? Even when their close relative or friend is the one needing help to deal with it himself? True or not, I always think of these people as cowardly and selfish. The funny thing is, I am a minority and as such the majority blames me for being rude and insensitive. In effect I am to them, but they change it by telling everybody it is to the one in distress. The western way is to ignore the emotions so the subject can as well and continue with his or her life. Dying doesn’t influence this at all! Aren’t we westerners lucky.
To me this is a contradiction I haven’t been able to solve. What I do nowadays is hang around a little longer and do my thing when the rest has left the room, or before they enter it. I show serious interest and even try to make someone laugh by playing a little. My reward is that the one in distress starts telling everybody that I have surprised him or her by being a nice and interested guy after all, while everybody has been telling him or her that I am insensitive and self involved. I get some strange looks, but the attitude towards me remains the same, complete misunderstanding. As I said before, I am apparently a difficult person to be with until you know me and god forbid that they are the ones in need of change. It's much easier to cling to the earlier made judgement and feel safe by forcing me into the expected role. Such a shame that a square peg doesn't fit a round hole, but let's keep trying, because I am sure he's round!
What it has taught me is that the people I respect and who continue to learn and grow in life have one thing in common. They understand the following two sentences have the same words, but definitely not the same meaning: “We work on ourselves to work for others and work for others to work on ourselves!” That by the way is also the essence of innovation!